1. Create a read-only Snowflake user for Quill

CREATE USER quill_read_only PASSWORD 'password';

2. Create a new role in Snowflake

CREATE ROLE quill_read_only_role;

3. Grant the SELECT privilege on the objects that you want the role to have read-only access to.

GRANT SELECT ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA my_schema TO quill_read_only_role;

4. Assign the new role to a user or group.

GRANT quill_read_only_role TO quill_read_only;

5. Enter database credentials in the Quill Portal

6. Add a organization ID field and set an admin organization

This organization ID field allows Quill to segment data by customer and enforce access controls.

When using a non-admin organization ID, the dashboard update will only go to that specific organization. The admin organization is used to push out updates to all customers.

7. Create SQL views

Use SQL views to decide exactly which tables and fields can be accessed. You can also make your database schema easier to query for non-technical users.